While the UK glazing industry fumbles about in the low percent range for triple glazing installations, on the other side of the world, China is already getting into quad-glazing, and it seems in a big way. Mark Warren, social media fave and Lister Trade Frames head honcho pointed me to an article about a Chinese building company and their outstanding new building technique. Please take a few minutes to watch the video that came with the report:

How impressive was that!? 57 storeys built in just 19 days. That’s 3 storeys per day. The original plan for the tower was going to make it 220 storeys, but that was scrapped due to concerns of how close it was to an airport. But did you see the bit near the end when all the specs were listed? They were using quad-glazing as standard in the skyscraper.

Pushing boundaries

The reason for using quadruple glazing of course is to fit in with the overall highly energy efficient way the rest of the building has been put together. Designed to be as efficient as possible, the glazing forms a vital part of the fabric of the building.

China is pushing the boundaries of what is possible with glazing. Whilst we continue to debate within ourselves as to whether triple glazing is actually going to take off this year, there are industries in other countries pressing ahead with even newer and more advanced forms of glazing. And why? Because they can!

Too conservative

Britain has always struck me as a country that is very conservative when it comes to change and new habits. We’d all rather stick with what we know, rather than stick our heads over the wall to see what might be beyond it. I think to be honest this is the reason why triple glazing hasn’t taken off yet. We’re all debating whether we have the right climate for it, whether homeowners will want to pay the extra, measuring how much noise and heat difference there is between triple and double glazing. While we’re splitting hairs here, countries like China are ploughing ahead and putting quad-glazing in their super quick, prefabricated skyscrapers.

Are we approaching glazing evolution in the wrong way? Should we be simply embracing new products rather than analysing them to within an inch of it’s life to the point where we just give up on and stick with what we use already? Just look at what we’ve done with triple glazing. It’s been around for quite a few years now, yet we’re still talking about whether it’s worth doing. Of course the answer is yes, it is worth doing, providing the specification is right and provides a tangible benefit over double glazing. And that I think should be the approach to quad-glazing, and any other new product. Lets stop being all British over it. Embrace new products, see the potential and move forward, rather than being slowly dragged along by everyone else.

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