Here’s a thought…
Could the double glazing industry really take hold of the advantages of the Internet?
Now most companies, be it installers or suppliers, either have a website or are developing better ones. But what I’m specifically talking about is communication between ALL companies, both manufacturers and installers. When I say communication, I don’t mean simple phone calls or the odd e-mail. We have a great tool with which we can spark great debate and discussion, blogs. Blogs are the new conversation rooms where endless numbers of people and businesses can join in conversations, air their views and ask questions. If we could get more and more companies up and down the country to get online and start talking to each other, start voicing their opinions with others in our industry, I think real progress can be made in the development of products, services and standards within our industry overall.
For our industry to unite, we all need to communicate properly, stop the accusations between companies and start to develop a collective voice. We could become much stronger as an industry and start to have more of a say as to where our industry goes in the future.
Could the double glazing industry really take hold of the advantages of the Internet?
Now most companies, be it installers or suppliers, either have a website or are developing better ones. But what I’m specifically talking about is communication between ALL companies, both manufacturers and installers. When I say communication, I don’t mean simple phone calls or the odd e-mail. We have a great tool with which we can spark great debate and discussion, blogs. Blogs are the new conversation rooms where endless numbers of people and businesses can join in conversations, air their views and ask questions. If we could get more and more companies up and down the country to get online and start talking to each other, start voicing their opinions with others in our industry, I think real progress can be made in the development of products, services and standards within our industry overall.
For our industry to unite, we all need to communicate properly, stop the accusations between companies and start to develop a collective voice. We could become much stronger as an industry and start to have more of a say as to where our industry goes in the future.
>Totally agreed with you.
One thing is the time. But I would think a lot of managing directors and other similar roles, would be infront of their PC a fair chunk of the time.
Yourself and I+Matthew, seem to be the ones taking advantage of what internet blogging has to offer at the moment. But if others joined in, it'd create a buzz and make the topic more popular and as you say, it could really help communication and networking.
>The question is whether MD's or managers are going to be bothered. The one thing that frustrates me is that whenever our industry is under fire, we don't unite and fight our corner as strongly as we should be. If we started to use blogs a bit more and get our messages and opionions our properly, I think it will only benefit us.
>A problem that comes around though is who is behind some of the blogs… We have more than on blog, I think you have more than one blog, yet some people think all blogs belong to different people – a created illusion – which can be beneficial, but for the standpoint you're coming from it would add to confusion. One of the best things in my opinion would to get everybody in the double glazing industry in the UK in a twitter group and then for everyone to have tweetdeck open when they're at their PC. They can then set… Read more »
>The twitter idea is an excellent one, quick company to company responses. Would everybody want to get envolved though?
As for blogs, this is my only blog unfortunately, I don't have time for any others lol.
>Ah awesome, thought the conservatory blog was yours too. Good that it's not as it means that more people are out there adding to the industry online.
It'll be a hard thing to get some people around to twitter. In the beginning it's not the most user friendly device, but after installing tweetdeck it becomes a lot more efficient and is a great tool.
Add us! twitter username: conservatoryuk
>Are you talking about about the conservatoryblogger? Nope thats not mine, but like you say, it's a good thing, to see others getting involved means we can start to create that industry wide debate. Iv'e got tweetdeck at home, and a Twitter gadget for my google desktop side bar, both at home and in the office, it's a great tool. I think the way the industry is evolving to rely on the web so much, it will only be a matter of time until most people are using twitter anyway. And I've already added you on my following list on… Read more »