Anyone read the BBC’s Robert Peston’s Blog? It’s pretty good, but his knowledge of business of all types and his ability to foresee which road the economy is going to be headed is what impresses me most.
It got me to wondering, do we have a Robert Peston like character within the double glazing industry. Do we have someone with such an impressive ability to not only analyse and predict the future of our industry to aid us, but to impart his/her wisdom on all those willing to listen.
Just like Robert Peston’s blog, he/she could create a similar blog, one that all those in the industry could read and take note. Perhaps then, we would have a true figurehead for our industry, one that could help unite our little section of the British economy.
>I personally think that at the moment that person is the renegade conservatory guy. His business is growing, reputation increasing and posts some importing and useful things…Just have to see how it develops.
I love a bit of radicalism, that's what we need!
>That was my first thought, who ever it may be, they need to be well known, thought of in a high regard and have seriously useful guidance and material to share.