We received a letter from one of our glass manufacturers this morning asking us to pledge our support (which we already have done) and sign the petition. It is good to see suppliers showing their support for the cause, and not just installers making all the leg work. We are having all our staff register their details to vote, and anybody else they know with an interest in the double glazing industry, they are asking them to sign also.
The current total number of signatures stands at over 1000, but hopefully over the coming weeks and months up to Christmas the petition will gather more pace and collect a more significant number of signatures.
If you haven’t already, go to http://www.petitions.number10.gov.uk/windowscrappage and show your support!
>I didn't see your name on the petition???
>Look properly lol, it's there.
>Our company is behind you guys and more people need to see this blog
>Thanks for the support! Pass on links for this blog to whoever you think it will be of interest to. As an industry we have to keep fighting for what we think is right, and fight against the immorality and injustices, like the Part L changes to trap installers into buying certifications from the BFRC just to make quick, big bucks.
Thanks again.