This is a link you all need follow and read up on. It is an article on the BBC Business website that explains how more and more people are using social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter to complain about bad experiences they have with companies.
Customer complaints is a subject I like to prattle on about, and many times I have written about how companies need to improve their customer services area to make sure they don’t fall foul of the customer that uses the interent to broadcast their bad encounters.
The article also explains how a third of all customer who have had poor customer service from a company would go on to the company’s website to write about their negative views.
It is imperative that businesses, especially in this sector, take note of what is happening with customers and the internet and make sure that if they are having problems in the customer services department they sort them and quick.
>Costumer service is very important in businesses, it have to be handled very professionally. The feed back of the customers depends on the customer service too.
>I think RCG was right. You begin to let desparate if you publish every spam SEO comment (with poor spelling and grammer)
Try this one –
Great post. You are awesome. Keep it coming. You rock Jason
Only kidding
>Well said Alex.
Don't let the buggers get away with it.
By the way for conservatories in Wakefield visit:
>Alex – but for a decent conservatory visit http://www.bandpwindows.co.uk ;)
>But if you're really smart, go to http://www.conservatoryland.com
>Dont think customers will be reading this! :P
Yeah we were told few weeks back that the most important call of action to take when dealing with complaints on social media is to address it as quickly as possible!
Your be far more likely to use the the company again if you get a response back that's professional and deal with the problem…i suggest every time, a personal message from the owner :)
>Exactly. Businesses who let problems carry on will only fail. Social media I think will give everyone a kick up the backside and into gear.
>Yep no hiding away from itttttttt!
Read today, like 67% of campaigns are now involving social media! Every campaign will do in the future…just look at the latest wispa advert in newspapers!