
After stumbling on the http://www.biznut.co.uk/ valuating website, the novelty of it has completely taken me over! So,I thought I’d rank the national window companies based on their website’s value, bit sad, but like I’ve said, the novelty of it is too much!

1. www.everest.co.uk: £87,998.72

2. www.anglianhome.co.uk: £72,106.85
www.safetstyle-windows.co.uk: £40,483.05
4. www.conservatoryoutlet.co.uk: £37,134.24

5. www.weatherseal.co.uk: £12,911.08

Everest comes top of the pile, while Weatherseal come 5th. But in the grand scheme of things coming in the top five isn’t that bad. There are probably other window websites out there worth more than these.