
All of us like to crunch a few stats once in a while, but the posts I’ve published previously with various stats from this blog have taken time and were quite tedious. So imagine my moderate surprise when I found that Blogger had got their act together and did themselves a gadget which allows you to show how many page views you’ve had over the last 30 days! Hence that’s one of two new features, and I’ve popped it above the most recent post where it’s most visible and doesn’t clog the side bar up anymore.

Secondly, I can tell that the little Top 3 Posts feature was used well when I looked at my Analytics, so imagine my more than moderate surprise when I found that Blogger had got their act together even further and had produced a ‘Popular Posts’ gadget! This is incredibly useful to me as I now don’t have to manually change the text and their links every time a post switches places. I could have had the top 10 posts, but I’ve kept it at 5 for now. If you think there should be more then I’ll change it.

Just thought I’d point out the obvious!