
This isn’t official news, but comes from a half-reliable source, and doesn’t seem too inconceivable to believe.

We had a visit from a HWL rep based in Leeds who came in to drop one of their brochures off and do a half-demo of their product and what they do. He said (claimed) some interesting things like Door-Stop only produce less than 200 a week, which I found strange bearing in mind they managed to turnover £13million last year. He then had various other digs about Door-Stop when I asked him who he thought was his main competition, and it was at that point I turned my brain off.

But one point I did pick up on was that he said that last month was the first time composite doors out-sold PVCu panelled doors. Now this seems to fit the picture that various people are saying. Many have said that composite doors will be the future of the industry, and it now seems that they have powered their way through and reached the level of sales that PVCu panels achieve.

My view is this; that panelled doors will be extinct within the next 3-5 years, leaving just engineered and composite doors as the main types of residential doors installers will sell.