All the talk at the moment has been about the condensation on the outside of the glass when the weather conditions are cold enough and right, but as we all start to fit more and more energy efficient windows, another problem is going to arise – overheating.
All south facing sides are going to experience increased solar gain, meaning it’s going to get rather warm. I’ve already had a few customers ask this question of me, and I just laugh it off saying just to open a window, which in reality is going to be the only thing we can say.
If we have customers reacting ‘energetically’ over condensation to the outer panes on the few times during the winter, are we going to have customers complaining that their livings rooms and bedrooms are far too warm? Also, we are more likely to experience days that are going to be warmer, than days that are going to cause external condensation, so this potentially could become a bigger issue.
Once this information gets out into the public domain and starts to become a point of interest for people, then we will find out how much of an issue this will be.

If we have customers reacting ‘energetically’ over condensation to the outer panes on the few times during the winter, are we going to have customers complaining that their livings rooms and bedrooms are far too warm? Also, we are more likely to experience days that are going to be warmer, than days that are going to cause external condensation, so this potentially could become a bigger issue.
Once this information gets out into the public domain and starts to become a point of interest for people, then we will find out how much of an issue this will be.