Over the past couple of years, Door-Stop and Rockdoor have become the two main brands that customers have come to see as representing composite doors the best. So much so that they ask for them by name, something which you don’t usually associate with the double glazing industry. But that is from a customer’s point of view. I want to know what installers think of these two market leaders. Who they think is best? Who has the best product? Who provides the best customer service? If they think they’re cheap or too expensive?
>You should make up a comparison checklist and confirm all claims independently of any sales claim or literature. The good contractors get work by word-of-mouth referrals from previous clients.
Flush sash Windows , Is it just me or are we going backwards , windows were flush casement , then we developed a Stormproof casement , far superior to the single rebate ( flush casement ) This was the blueprint for all windows that followed in all materials , this allowed a high level of security and double weather gaskets , We now have flush sash casements , Compare this to an opening out door , The gap allows for the keeps to be seen and allows crowbars , etc to get a great purchase/ leaverage , Now back to… Read more »
They are both good doors but have different price points. We specialise in Rockdoors and have fitted over a 1000 in the last 6 years. Don’t get many issues to be fair and any issues are swiftly dealt with. I get a few calls a month from someone who has had a door installed and the company that fitted it wont go back. Half of the time the issues are installation related. The last one we attended was down to the frame being too big for the aperture and the frame was curved in due to being tight up against… Read more »