It appears someone has stolen a framed photo and feather from the Ted Moult Everest TV adverts. Here’s the report from The Northern Echo:
An ill wind has blown through Britain’s highest pub, taking with it an “irreplaceable” piece of television history.
An ill wind has blown through Britain’s highest pub, taking with it an “irreplaceable” piece of television history.
Staff at the Tan Hill Inn, near Richmond, North Yorkshire, are appealing for the safe return of the Everest feather and a framed picture of TV personality Ted Moult.
For more than 20 years, the mementos have hung on the wall next to the window made famous by an advert for double glazing.
In 1986, window company Everest filmed a commercial at the pub.
Viewers watched as a feather dropped by Moult fell gently to the floor while a gale raged outside.
To this day customers still recount the famous line: “You only fit double glazing once, so fit the best, fit Everest.”
The feather and picture disappeared in October when a stag party was taking place at the pub.
Assistant manager Shell Buckle said: “We don’t know whether it was members of the stag party who took them or another customer.
“They’ve hung on the wall for nearly 30 years and we just want them back.”
Owner Tracy Daley described the photograph and feather as Tan Hill’s “crown jewels”.
“We are desperately saddened by their loss,” she said.
“Many customers ask about Ted Moult and the feather used in the draught test on the adverts and are always pleased to see the picture beside the window where it was filmed.
“Everest has replaced and updated the double glazing only once at Tan Hill since they were originally installed.
“However, the picture and the feather are irreplaceable.”
Ms Daley said the thief could return the mementoes by any means and the matter would not be pursued further.
Everest returned to the pub in 2008 to remake the commercial.
The new advert starred ITV sports presenter Craig Doyle.
Everest decided to film the advert after being asked to replace windows and doors by Ms Daley.
Solar panels were also fitted to the roof.
Anyone with information on the missing picture and feather is asked to call the Tan Hill Inn on 01833-628246.