>Ever wondered that something fresh and new could be waiting for you somewhere? Well I am. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy at my job, I have brilliant prospects. I have some great friends and I’m in decent surroundings. But I think my head needs a breath of fresh air, something new to immerse myself in.Some of you will know how much I enjoyed my trip to New York last year. Some of you will also know that if I wasn’t in the window industry, I would like to have been a journalist. Not one of those News Of The World style journalists. More like the proper investigative ones with something important to tell!
I’m not saying I want to leave the country forever, but I have in my mind an 18 month break, probably in and around New York, doing something involving writing.
I’ve had a bitch of a day, but this post isn’t just a knee-jerk reaction to a crap 24 hours. I’ve been thinking of it for quite a while. Of course there are the logistics of the plan to think about. Money, accommodation, a job, meeting new people and making new friends – all things that have to be considered. But this is something I feel strongly about, and I hope that sooner rather than later I get the opportunity to do it.
So, if anyone in the New York area happens to read this, drop me an email please!
>The grass is always greener.
Might be a good idea for you to experience 18 months in NY to realise how much you have in Wakefield.
>Eloping ? Are you sure that's what you mean GB ? :-) I thought you had just split up from your gf .
>Kenny – changed the title. Was always unsure what that word meant. Googled it, definitely wasn't what I meant originally lol!
RCG – maybe so. But if I get the chance to go I know I would be upsetting a lot of people close to me. Like I said in the post, it's not just a knee-jerk reaction to a bad date and crap 24 hours. I've been thinking outside Wakefield for a fair while. Thanks for the email also.
>Do it!! We spent a year in New Zealand, it’s where we got married. I must say that travelling and living in abroad was one of the best things we ever did. It does make you appreciate home though.
>DO IT!!!! You are young (assuming without the family ties) and you have to seize your opportunities. At the risk of being shouted down, i think to some extent the UK has lost a lot of opportunity for young people and if there is a chance to better yourself elsehwere not tied down by ridiculous health and safety, political correctness and a benefits culture. I have been in Gloucestershire 23 years, approaching 43 years old and I am leaving this area in two weeks to pursue new opportunities as I feel for what I want to achieve a small town… Read more »
>Go for it before the shackles of responsibility grind you down! But one word of caution, I was in the big apple last year for a few days and loved it, but I don't think I could last out there in the long time. Think about other places on the east coast too; Boston for example is still quite a happening place and I could happily live there!
Too old & set in my ways though to follow that dream!