
It seems the growing trend to protest this year has now spread to our own little sector of the economy. It is reported on BBC Devon that Total Windows and DB Glass, both owned by the Epwin Group, are to go on strike over pay – more specifically due to not having a pay rise for the last three years.

According to the BBC Devon site, no one from Epwin Group was available for comment.

Whenever the talks of strikes comes up, the accompanying argument of the principle of the thing is also debated. According to www.thewestsouth.blogspot.com the strike was approved by over 77%. Now that’s a positive response in any way you look at it. But is striking the right option?

To me, striking should only ever be the last resort, and I know this is the opinion of many others. I completely understand that they wish to be heard and want to stick up for themselves and their positions. But while taking industrial action, they should also consider that they are lucky enough to have a job (which is paid over the minimum wage) to strike over.

Personally, I wouldn’t be striking right now. It is no only the Epwin Group who cannot afford to raise wages at this current time, most businesses haven’t, and haven’t for the last few also. In fact most businesses have cut wages in order to reduce the wage bill to make sure of the continuity of the business. Striking will only alert the company to those who are most militant and wish to cause disruption in order to get themselves heard.

Negotiations are the most sensible route to take right now. Both parties need to get round the table to sort something out. With Epwin being such a large company, large enough to be recognized by the BBC, this sort of negative publicity will only serve to damage the name locally and nationally.