You’re probably all too aware how little spare time I have now. I complain ab0ut it a lot on Twitter! Well I finished work last Wednesday and had a couple of days off work to indulge in my favorite passion, heavy metal! On Thursday I traveled to Prestatyn in North Wales with my girlfriend and her family to go to a metal festival that was held on the Pontins holiday camp site. It was weird to see such an old fashioned, very British family way of holidaying turned into a haven for metal fans. But it was right up my street! Some don’t get the music. Some do. Me, the louder, faster and heavier the better!

Just to show you what life outside of work is like for me, here are some of the pictures I’ve taken of some of the bands I saw at the weekend:

This first image is of a band called Skindred. The easiest way to describe their music is reggae-metal. And it’s bloody brilliant! Different, but awesome!

This next band are called Dream Evil. A Scandinavian power metal band who I’ve liked for years. So happy I got to see them!

I got in line to see Skindred and get something signed. Rather than get something a bit standard and boring to get signed, I asked them all to sign this fiver. I reckon it’s gone up in value now!

This is a Death Metal band called Lets Play God. My neck started to hurt at this point.

These are thrash metal titans Anthrax. One quarter of the ‘Big Four’ that toured last year. They were simply awesome! “It’s a mad house!”

One more of Dream Evil. I do like them!

Well that’s just a small insight into one of my biggest passions and how I like to use my time. The metal heads on my twitter feed will probably appreciate this more than most. Back to double glazing next post I promise!