Well, after two plug posts and many tweets about MyTradeTV the day is finally here! MyTradeTV is now officially live!
To explain a bit further, MyTradeTV is going to be split into two different channels, one which covers the locksmith industry which is the channel that has been launched today and one which covers the double glazing industry which is set to launch in just a few weeks time.
I have had the chance to see the site progress, and I must say that for a project that has been started from scratch, the whole thing looks and is very professional. The videos are very well put together, the site is easy to navigate, the look is clean, it’s content rich and covers every area of the industry in every possible way that people would be interested in.
Both channels already have a good numbers of companies who have contributed videos and other content and that is set to expand as the site goes live and more and more people get to see it. This really is an innovative way to get the message of your company across to consumers and those within the industry.
I have known Lee, creator of MyTrade TV for a while now, and can honestly say that he is one of the most genuine, down to earth people I have met so far in business and deserves all the success I’m sure will come his way.
So the site is now live, please click this link; www.mytrade.tv to go and see what all the fuss is about. You might even want your company on there too!
Contact Lee on Twitter at @mytradetv or call 07414551663