A lot of window companies are offering finance as one of their payment methods now. Even the smaller firms are offering it, finance isn’t reserved for the biggest in our industry any more. But the firm I work doesn’t do it. We did offer it for a very short time, but then stopped. Here are the reasons why…

When we started to offer finance, we thought there would be more interest for that option. The reason why we started to offer it in the first place was because we were getting more and more requests for finance. So we had a meeting and said that we would start to offer it. As soon as we got the package set up, the requests stopped! Sods law!

The other reason was the quite hefty interest rate that came with the loans. By the time the finance deal was finished and the repayments were made, quite often the amount paid for the windows would be double what it was if a person was to pay up front for it. An example today on BBC 2 with Don’t Get Done Get Dom showed Anglian’s finance package. They offered a customer a house full of windows and doors for £7500. They gave them a discount to bring it down to £6000 if they took their finance deal, but by the end of the package they would have paid over £15,000 over ten years for them! On that basis alone, we just weren’t keen at all on finance.

So that, on top of very little demand for it, it just wasn’t viable for us to be offering it. Just about everyone who goes ahead with us is happy to pay a deposit up front and then the rest on completion. They avoid massive interest charges and it gets the whole process of having the windows replaced in a matter of weeks and can get back to normal proceedings.

For bigger companies this is obviously an option that has to be available, but for a once office company like ourselves, this isn’t necessary.