Leads are the life-blood of every double glazing business. Without them, we simply wouldn’t be in business. But in these topsy turvy times, leads are not always on the abundant side. So what options are available when leads are low but you need business?

One option would be to speak to Quotatis. They are Europe’s biggest and low-cost lead generator. Unlike other lead generation sites, their leads are fully qualified, high quality and as a business you have the option of paying as you go for the leads which is ideal for keeping costs down, so you don’t have to shell out big chunks of money at a time. What’s even better, for a limited time it’s free to join!

For businesses, a steady lead stream is vital right now, and having a company like Quotatis being able to provide quality leads to you at low cost allow you to spend more time selling and less time worrying about finding new customers. The service provides a reliable source of potential work that is difficult to find sometimes in these unreliable economic times. Why not check them out today and remember to mention DoubleGlazingBlogger J

To get up to four free quotes from Quotatis or go visit their website at: www.quotatis.co.uk. If you are a tradesperson you can e-mail them at info@quotatis.co.uk, or call them on 08448 044 344 or visit www.quotatispro.co.uk or contact them on their various Twitter accounts, this is their main one: @Quotatis