Every once in a while, I get asked what I think of something. What I find more beneficial is to ask you guys so I can give my reader, in this case Ian Vaughan, a more accurate answer to the question he poses. Which is this:
Whats more beneficial: an online quote system for customers on your website or a web based quoting system to price up jobs?
My personal view is that a web based quoting system to price up jobs would be more beneficial given the fact that many companies in our industry are now quickly embracing mobile technology and the internet to help them sell jobs. A web based quoting system would tie into this quite nicely. The other factor going for it is the fact that with an online quoting system for customers, competitors can easily find out what others are charging for their wares and this is something which I’m sure most will not want available.
What do you guys think? Answers down below!
Online quoting system definitely! As you mentioned DGB why would you let the competition see your prices, also, if you can price through mobile technology (we now price using iPads) you can show the customer the product and there is no dispute over price. Where if you have someone out sitting in a corner with a calculator, heavens knows what they’re adding on! Online quoting, more beneficial to customer and yourself :-)
How do you price up jobs at the moment via manual pen and paper systems? Do all salesmen carry around ipads etc to show customers the actual real time price? I cant see how it would work, but in principle it sounds much better than having them get the calculator out every time which is just a joke. A company who is more transparent is more likely to be the one who gets the deal from customers rather than the one who starts at a high amount amount and then reduces it be 30% within a matter of minutes or… Read more »
Are there any companies using these sort of systems ?
I also would be interested to hear if there is much call for for a quoting system rather than an interactive lead generation window/door/conni system for customers
Anyone using all craftsmen as their online pricing/lead gen system on their website?