Firstly thanks to everyone that has already taken a couple of minutes out of their day to answer the survey I launched the other day. There certainly have been some very interesting results in so far. For example, on the composite door price question, there is a gap of £915 between the cheapest composite price to the most expensive!

I have set myself a target of at least 100 installers for this survey, I hope this is a realistic figure to aim for. If I can get 100 installers to answer every question I would like to think that the results I get from this would be fairly accurate. Accurate enough to publish and let people use anyway.

So please spread the word to all your installer friends, on Twitter, Facebook and everywhere else where you think they’ll listen. The more that take part the more accurate the results will be. And remember to answer the questions as accurately as possible!

You can go straight to the survey here: or click the link in the text box on the right hand side of this site!