I am very happy to announce that Value Doors UK are the latest company to sponsor DGB and this site!
As you may or may not have seen their advert popped up on the site at the end of the day last Friday.
I shall be writing for Value Doors UK for the next six months, like you will have seen from my other sponsors. But it will split, some posts will go live on here, and some posts will go live on the Value Doors UK website, which you can find here: http://www.doorsdoorsdoors.co.uk/
They will have their own news box as per the other sponsors and there will be links to the posts I write on their own site as well.
I am very glad to have Value Doors UK on board and I look forward to working with them!
Value Doors UK understood the advantages of sponsoring a site like this. If you are interested in branching out online, but don’t want to pay the rates print publications charge, have a look at some more information here: https://www.doubleglazingblogger.com/advertise-on-dgb/ and feel free to contact me at info@doubleglazingblogger.com where we can talk about the various packages available.