I was having a chat with @AlumTradeSupply on the phone earlier today and we touched on the subject of door knocking and questioned if it still actually worked in this day and age. He told me he was speaking to someone who told him that he was doing tens of thousands of pounds a week. We both felt that the days of door knocking were seriously numbered.
First of all, it’s intrusive. It may have worked 20-30 years ago when the PVC part of the industry was in it’s infancy and people were still trusting of the general public. These were the days where people like my own mum could leave the door unlocked and not have to worry about her belongings or someone sneaking in. But those days are gone and people are far more alert about who is coming to the door. Does the double glazing industry really want to keep peddling this old hat image? Surely in 2014 door knocking for leads only portrays an outdated way to do business?
Next there is the argument from the companies that employ canvassers. They will argue that door knocking gets them the leads and gets them the business. But from what my Dad has told me, who used to door knock himself in a previous life, is that the quality of leads are poor generally, and that the forcing of business from customers isn’t always that nice to do. I have always been taught that if people really do want something, they will seek it out themselves. What companies who do door knock fail to mention is how much of the business gained on an evening then cancels. I have a friend that used to work for one of the UK’s biggest installers and he explained to me that a lot of business signed up the previous evening was cancelled a few days later because the customer felt pressure into it and didn’t want to proceed. I am fairly certain that this is a regular pattern for most canvassing companies. I am also certain that this scenario rarely occurs for non-canvassing businesses because the clients that sign up with them genuinely wanted to buy something in the first place.
Maybe I just don’t get it. I have sold in a business which gets 85% of it’s business through word of mouth and recommendation. We have rarely needed to advertise and we certainly don’t door knock. Most of our clients are serious buyers so the job of selling to them is fairly straightforward. But we have worked ourselves into this position by being damn good at what we do. I would have thought any company that gets a decent amount of recommendations wouldn’t need to door knock at all. But maybe those companies who canvas need to do so because they’re not pulling in the business via a good reputation? Just a thought.
Put all this aside, we live a brilliant technological age. I would have thought it was a fairly simple process to take advantage of the power of the web to harness some leads. And yes, when I mean leads, I mean customers asking to see sales reps! We get them via our website too and if other companies can do the same, do they really need to door knock?
I would love to hear from a company that employs door knockers to get their opinion on this. I am a firm believer that door knocking doesn’t have it’s place in a modern fenestration industry. I believe that if people genuinely want something they will seek it out and do their own research in the process. The consumer is a much more educated one now and a door knocker isn’t going to sway that person’s decision one way or another. It’s generally an inconvenience that I think most home owners want to see banned now.
Do you agree? Is door knocking dead or are you a canvasser that makes a good living from this and thinks it should remain? Please leave all comments in the section below.
DGB. I think you will probably find that you will not get a reply from any of the national companies using canvassers however we need to appreciate that there is still plenty of organisations that still rely on this as a lead source. Not all companies using this method are draconian in their operations. I with the assistance of the GQA helped develop a Fenestration Canvassing Qualifacation and over the last 15 Months have delivered the relevant training of 6 Modules to over 150 guys and girls around the country with well over 75% passing the modules that when formally… Read more »
I think you are wrong. SOME door knockers do an excellent job (and I wouldn’t want to do it!). I’ve now left the industry but retain a morbid curiosity as to what’s going on, so hence my continuing subscription to your blog. I met several ‘foot-cans’ many/most of whom were absolutely hopeless. But there was one guy who I loved to get leads from. Almost always resulted in sales. He would be selective where he knocked – and on which doors. Was seemingly good at striking up an instant rapport with the home owner – engaged them about what he… Read more »
Hi, would you recommend a company that can help out with foot cans? I mean I get leads online but foot canvassing works just fine too. You mentioned someone who did a great job while knocking on doors. Please let me know more about this. I need to send a few people to get me some leads. I thought this was dead already (I used to door knock and propose at the same time but in 2003)
To say that door knocking is dead I think is a bit of an over exaggeration. We employ a team of 6 regular door canvassers (would have lots more but it’s hard to find good quality canvassers who can actually do the job.) and my doorcan team generated just over 1.7 million last year which was just under 20% of our business. We also had a large quantity of passive leads like reccos and existers but it’s hard to expand a company without expanding the ways in which you reach out to your potential customers. If you are happy turning… Read more »
I used to work as an area manager for a national firm, they did receive the vast majority of their leads nationally from foot canvassers as well as tele-canvassers. The leads did work, the odd one was obviously a ‘blagged’ lead where the canvasser had made promises just to get the demonstration. However even low quality leads can be turned into a good sale if you take the money in with you by having a good loan facility.
I actually had a conversation with one of our customers only 2 days ago regarding what they considered to be their best way of generating leads. They were adamant that door knocking was the most successful method for them and despite heavily investing in a new website, they feel that it will only enhance their exposure not replace the door to door methods they employ.
It would appear that consigning door knocking to the annals of history may be a little over zealous as if it’s done correctly, there is clearly a requirement to continue with this method of marketing.
I don’t think foot canvassing is dead at all, as other people have said here, if the team out on the streets are knowledgeable, polite and vigilant to areas of a house that need improving then it can be a great way to generate leads. Not only that it’s helpful for those home owners, even if they don’t book an appointment with you, it is now front of mind for them to get it sorted. I agree that it isn’t an easy job to do (having done it before) and it can be demoralising for the canvasser and annoying for… Read more »
In my area of Kent there is a no cold calling zone, I’m sure it must run throughout the UK?
Personally I never entertain anyone knocking at my door to sell anything, if I want something I will go looking for it, and for me that includes people standing in DIY stores or high streets trying to get my attention.
Canvassing is big business, and it is a completely different to recommends and Website. Just look at the biggest double glazing installation company in the UK which is your best example if you believe canvassing is dead or alive.
We employ one foot can who goes round when were fitting last year he produced 300k he also drop off our brochure leads and try’s to get a appointment a sales man on these type of leads as to have the right attitude towards them building desire using low rate finance and you find out these type of leads can be one of the best there also easy to convert as the average customer seems to want to get the 3 quotes you also find showroom leads pick up when you canvas from leaflets left credit to anyone who knocks… Read more »
Can the author of this post contact me when available please?