The terrible weather has continued throughout the start of this year, with Cornwall and Devon being the latest areas to be smashed by massive waves, huge storm surges and hurricane force gusts of wind. The damage being done is running into the many millions, with rail and road services expected to be out of action or at least temporary closed for at least 6 weeks. The weather looks set to continue with these violent storms which will also continue to keep flooding at these terrible levels, ruining land, homes and businesses alike for many more weeks to come.
As terrible as these scenes are, there is very little that the fenestration industry can practically do to help aid flood prevention in a big way. I’ve written about flood proof windows and doors in a previous post. But in all honesty if a 30ft wave wants to fly up from the sea front and bring with it a ton of shingle and completely tear off the front of your house, new windows aren’t going to stop that. But one suggestion I might have would be to install triple glazing in these areas for future.
One of the biggest points about the triple glazing debate is that there is currently a big lacking of a purpose for triple glazing. Well after seeing so much glass from people’s seafront homes and businesses broken over these past few weeks, perhaps triple glazing has a purpose here.
Hear me out on this one. I’m not saying to install triple glazing because it will help keep the cold sea out. I’m suggesting that triple glazing and it’s inherent extra strength properties and security might be of some use. When you look at most seafront buildings they tend to be very old and still have either their original windows which are probably single glazed, or very early double glazing with the smallest unit spacer. Either way, both options are no good energy wise, noise wise or strength wise. Triple glazing then might have found it’s place. It’s stronger than single plate glass or early thin double glazing. It’s certainly more quiet and yes it will be more energy efficient than the original glazing.
I know there are doubt about it’s efficiency vs certain specs of high end double glazing, but remember that isn’t the comparison we’re doing here. We’re comparing this to old seafront glass that is very old and provides very little protection when things get rough. We also have to face facts when it comes to our UK weather now. We have to admit as a country that our weather is getting a whole lot worse and will continue to do so. We have to admit that our current infrastructure is in now way capable of coping with these extremes. Without significant investment and upgrading, this yearly bashing of storms, snow, hurricane force winds and flooding will continue to do irreparable damage to the UK and cost us far more than bricks and mortar.
I’m not saying triple glazing will solve all our problem, but I am saying it should at the very least be considered as part of an overall solution. I am fairly confident that toughened triple glazing might actually have stood up to some of the fierce weather over the last few days. Even if one pane broke, the extra two provide an important barrier between home and sea. When renovation work starts to happen, I hope that triple glazing is considered when doing that work.
What are your thoughts? Is triple glazing part of an overall working solution? Will the weather continue to defenestrate properties no matter how strong the specification? All comments welcome in the section below!
Or you could use a double glazes unit with a 10mm lam sheet to the external.
” When you look at most seafront buildings they tend to be very old and still have either their original windows which are probably single glazed, or very early double glazing with the smallest unit spacer. Either way, both options are no good energy wise, noise wise or strength wise. Triple glazing then might have found it’s place. It’s stronger than single plate glass or early thin double glazing. It’s certainly more quiet and yes it will be more energy efficient than the original glazing.” Well, one out of three assumptions isn’t bad, GB! It’s a pretty desperate theoretical pitch… Read more »
Hi Ginty Thanks for your comment. I take your point about using a different spec’ed double glazing unit like you mentioned. I think the overall point I was trying to make, but might have got lost in the writing, was that when these areas damaged by the extreme weather start to carry out repair work, triple glazing could try and at least use it as a chance to promote itself. Whatever happens in these damaged towns, what has to be replaced must be better than what was currently there. Let me also give you an example. I have stayed a… Read more »
With respect, any change in glazing would have made a difference in that scenario. It wouldn’t require triple glazing, and more the point certainly not for strength and sound, where there are no perceptible difference on a direct like for like, all things equal comparison. The only thing that makes the difference in that scenario with the sound is the removal of air-gaps by having a tighter sealed window. Let’s not “mis-sell” the triple myth. Thermal benefits, yes, though often very minor, but other claims are dubious to say the least to be polite.
I’m with Ginty on this. The true quality manufacturers aren’t making triple glazing for the UK market, yet. And there are a lot of good reasons for that. What there is, is a number of fabricators offering triple glazing – but do you really think it’s going to be up to the same strength of quality double glazing? Ginty is right – three layers will diffuse momentum more than two layers. But I only see the likelihood at present of triple glazed units being made to a low specification because the cost premium to replicate the quality standards of a… Read more »
I agree with the guys triple glazing doesn’t enhance any thing if only done in a 28mm unit. How many peoples hinges will take the extra weight and also think about the poor fitters carrying these units around…. Just not worth it
I haven’t got the figures to hand but I do know the difference in sound reduction between double & triple glazing using 4mm glass is immeasurably small in practical terms, certainly no where near enough to justify using as a selling point. Indeed any claims to the contrary may well attract the attention of Trading Standards.As previous posters have pointed out glasses of two differing thicknesses will achieve measurable differences, particularly if one is laminated or Stadip. Either way the presence of trickle vents will negate any actual gains. Some years ago my company was engaged to install replacement windows,… Read more »