I can’t quite believe that this is a topic that has come up in the office recently, but it has, and it’s down to the number of customers we have been signing up of late. It may not be that long before we have to start warning customers to get their orders in now if they want to guarantee their windows and doors to be fitted before Christmas!

Fitting Schedules Filling Up

I’m sure that most of us have been surprised at how good this year has actually been. I think we all hoped for a bit of a better year than previous years, building on a solid 2013. But the pace and strength of the economic recovery I think has caught many of us out. The end result being jam packed fitting schedules and a healthy cash flow.

So whilst those fitting boards are filling up, I think it is worth bearing in mind that it is still only August. Given the weather, you would be mistaken for thinking we were in late September or early October. Nope, this is still technically the glorious British summer and most school kids don’t go back for at least another fortnight.

Have you had a look at those schedules this week? How many fitting weeks have you actually got left now? I bet it’s not many. For us, September is full, and October is filling up nicely, with roughly half of those fitting days earmarked for newly signed up clients. So in theory, we only have about 8 fitting weeks left!

Full By September?

What has taken me back a bit is how healthy our fitting schedules are looking this far away from Christmas. We’ve not even done with August yet but we’re now having to think about our plans for the end of the year. In theory, at our continued pace, could it be possible that we could be full for 2014 by the end of September? Quite possibly.

Considering the past few years and the hard work we’ve all had to endure during the recession years, the prospect of a full fitting year so soon honestly seems quite weird. Almost too good to believe.

Observing some of the tweets and blog posts from some of you guys, it appears that many of you are also in the same positive situations. What I would like to know is if any of you out there are already full for fitting in 2014 and are now planning installations for 2015. Leave you feedback in the comments section below.

The end result out of all of this, is that before long, probably in a fortnight or so, we’re going to have to start warning customers not to sit on their quotes too long if they intend to have their windows and doors installed before the end of the year because soon we may not be able to. Not a bad problem to have though hey?