Despite the many warnings, seminars, news releases and other marketing initiatives, there still appears to be a section of installers in our industry determined not to move with the times as FENSA reports of a “stubborn minority” that are still not complying with new IBG rules.
No hiding places
The system that FENSA uses is automatised and run via IT systems. They can see each time an installer registers an installation, and with it, an IBG too. So they can see all the businesses that aren’t registering properly too. When I read the “stubborn minority” I did think to myself what the number actually is. On the one hand, FENSA won’t want to admit that this problem isn’t as big as it might be. On the other, they also want to portray an image of an up to date, law abiding industry. I think in reality though that the minority might be slightly bigger than a minority.
Either way, there are no hiding places for installers. They absolutely have to abide by this law. If they don’t, they are not able to self-certify, and with the new rules, if you can’t self-certify, you can’t fit windows and doors. So as draconian as you think the new IBG rules are, it is easier to just get on with it rather than fight it.
FENSA finally showing teeth?
When you look at the language coming out of FENSA, it does read quite strongly. Not something you would often associate with FENSA. So could it be finally getting tough on industry rule breaking? It could be.
FENSA MD Chris Mayne has said: “There is no hiding place for installers ducking out of IBGs. Because the system is computerised we can immediately see which installers do not have an IBG supplier in place. They will be expelled from FENSA.” So, threats of explusion. It would be interesting to know when the deadline for compliance is and if FENSA has already started to kick companies out of their scheme too. Anyone from FENSA is very welcome to leave that info in the comments section below ;-)
It’s also worth knowing that if an installer breaks FENSA rules, they will also be barred from self-certifying with another similar scheme, such as Certass for example. So it’s not as easy as just jumping ship to another one.
This I think is a great chance for FENSA to show that it is a serious business. It has taken a lot of flak in recent years from various corners of the industry and has been accused of not doing enough to put pressure on the companies flouting the laws of the industry. This particular issue presents FENSA with a perfect opportunity to crack down heavily on non-compliant businesses, demonstrate that it does take this seriously and show the industry that the scheme does actually have teeth and it will use them.