Out of all the colours that have emerged in our industry over the last decade, black has definitely been the most popular. We’ve seen black windows, black glazed extensions, black roofline products and probably the most popular of the whole bunch surely has to be black composite doors. So why have they become so popular?
Black composite doors
The popularity of black composite doors is probably a mix of all sorts of reasons. Firstly, the colour black has always worked well with white. And with most of the UK’s residential homes having white windows, there is an inherent appeal to the homeowner to choose a black door when looking to replace their old entrance doors.

Then there is the fact that the colour black suits almost any type of house. Whether it be an old rendered cottage, a terraced, a new-build or anything in between, a black composite doors lends itself nicely to those types of properties where other colours simply won’t.
Black works well on composite doors because it suits any style. We are all aware of the plethora of composite door designs that exist out there, and each and every one of them looks great in black. Other colours such as the greens, reds, greys etc are all down to individual taste and not every door looks well in every colour. Black on the other hand, because it is as neutral a colour as white, lends itself to any door design. Quite an easy colour to work with if you’re a homeowner and you’re not quite sure what to choose for your new front door!
Black composite doors from Door Supermarket

The popularity of black composite doors is so strong in fact, that Door Supermarket have gone and created a whole individual section on their website to black composite doors.
On the page they show every single entrance door, in black, displaying all styles, brands, glass designs and importantly, the prices of each one. I don’t envy the person/people who had to put that page together!
It’s a very extensive and clear resource however, and one which I am sure DIY-ers and homeowners will find useful if they have a creative block and are not quite sure on what style of door to settle on.
One thing is for sure though, black is the new white, and I think we can expect to sell quite a few more before the general public move on to a new colour any time soon!
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