There’s no doubting it, 2014 was an amazing year for this website. With plenty of industry events going on, and plenty of industry issues to tackle, there had been plenty for me to write about throughout the course of 2014.
The year saw me reach a few milestones. Firstly, the site turned five years old in March. The fact it has got to half a decade old is an achievement in itself, but to oversee growth in each of those five years is something I am proud of. Hopefully this sixth year will bring further progress. 2014 was also a record year for the number of visits, unique visitors and page views. I’ll be doing a more in-depth breakdown of how the site actually performed, but I can say now that the site reached six figures for the first time for the number of visits, and it was agonisingly close to reaching the 250k mark for page views.
But its time to stop looking back, and look towards what should be another exciting year in our industry, and how DGB will be covering it.
What’s in store for 2015?
Over the break I have been writing down some excellent content ideas. During 2015 I am going to be focusing a bit more on my content and promotion of that content as best I can. Last year I started to receive comments that my sponsored stuff seemed to be taking away focus from what made DGB what it is. I am a listener and have taken on board your comments and feedback. So, whilst the sponsored content will always be on DGB (it has it’s on place on the site now) I’m going to be working hard to make my own content better, both visually and in the writing aspect of it too. Hopefully you’re going to like some of the content I’ve got coming up, as well as some of the new ideas I might try out on you over the coming year.
As for setting targets for myself, well, I try not to be too strict with myself on them. If I were to set myself something then it would be to simply to beat the traffic the site got in 2014. I really would like to break the 250k barrier this year, perhaps even shoot for the 300k mark. It’s going to take a lot of work but I reckon I can do it!
In terms of content there will be a post a day as you’re all used to. I’ll also be tweaking and updating the site throughout 2015 to ensure that it looks and works as smoothly as possible. What I do want to work on however is my subscriber level. For a site that now has over 100k visits in a year, it only has around 90 subscribers. That’s way too low for my liking so this year I’m going to aim to increase this massively. If you feel compelled, go ahead and get subscribing ;-)
So, nothing too radical planned for the site this year, just improving on what is already there and keeping the readership growing as it has done every year so far. What are your plans for 2015? Let me know in the comments section below!