What a week! Can’t believe that I’ve had to write yet another weekly review. This year seems to be flying by so quickly already. So what have we had this week? Well, HSBC and the Tories were embroiled in another tax story. Russia and Ukraine tried to strike a deal in Minsk and the Bank of England’s Mark Carney warned that the UK may enter deflation in Spring. Now lets take a look at the posts covered on DGB this week!
The week began with me writing about the importance of design and how good design should be applied to every single job, be it one window or a whole house refurb. The idea came to me after listening to a radio interview where the transport minister was making the argument that if we’re going to build new roads and new architecture in general, then why not make it look as good as it can possibly be. Might as well make everything we do look as good as it functions!
The next post was inspired after a conversation with Total Installations. They asked me if I had done a post focusing on what installers might want from their fabricators. My answer was no, so then I thought that might make a good idea for a post. So thanks for Total for giving me the idea, and thanks to you guys for making it one of the most shared and most read posts of the week!
Next was a sponsored article from the guys at Everest, this time on the amount of money being spent due to indecision. So far so good, no negative feedback from it yet!
A shocking story next as I reported on the family that narrowly escaped disaster as a huge ash tree came crashing down on their conservatory just after they had moved from it. The images were terrible. Although some did point out that the tie and the area of the roof surrounding the tie bar did stay up. A sign that although these things are ugly, they do work.
The next post was from the guys at Purplex and K Glazing, focusing on the various types of glazing homeowners might be asking for in 2015. Cat flaps in glass was a surprise to me and a few others I think!
3D printing was a subject I touched on last year, and it has been in the back of my mind ever since, so I decided to write about the subject again. This time I took a more balanced approach to the effects of 3D printing on the industry. Though I maintain that it’s going to have massive benefits in the years to come, if they aren’t being felt already.
3D printing was a subject I touched on last year, and it has been in the back of my mind ever since, so I decided to write about the subject again. This time I took a more balanced approach to the effects of 3D printing on the industry. Though I maintain that it’s going to have massive benefits in the years to come, if they aren’t being felt already.
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I think your review of the last post seems to think 3D printing is SO important it is the answer to everything ;)
Oh and as far as the Everest post is concerned , I ignore them , I guess lots do :D , If you really wanted negative feedback though just ask, it won’t be too difficult to pull apart ;)