Last Friday was a rare day in the world of industry news. Usually I find something to write a decent blog post about, but late on Thursday there came two absolutely massive stories that were guaranteed to get the industry talking on Friday morning. The first, the threat of Window Energy Ratings being scrapped by the European Commission. An issue that would affect every single installer, fabricator and systems company. The second, the news that Residence 9 (Eclectic Systems) and Window Widgets had been sold to Solidor (DW3 Products Group).

Both were highly exciting stories to write about. I knew both would get high traffic separately, but together on the same, well there was a distinct chance that I could break my all time single day visitor and unique visitor records. Turned out I was right, and by a fair distance! My previous records were set on February 24th 2014:

Previous record: February 24th 2014



Unique Visitors


Page Views


That particular day didn’t set any page view records. That was set near the end of last year, October 8th 2014 to be precise where 1811 pages were viewed.

But Friday was a stonker of a day. These are the important stats…

New record: April 10th 2015



Unique Visitors


Page Views


Being the first to get the Solidor story out online first was a big help. Being able to lead with that news gave the site a huge influx of traffic in the morning, then again midway through the afternoon. But although this was a great day for the site, setting new visitor and unique visitor records, I believe that the figures could have been even better.

Website traffic tends to die off near the back end of the week, especially Friday. I suspect that if these two stories had broken in the middle of the week, say a Wednesday, I could have broken the 700 visitors barrier for the first time. Nevertheless, breaking the 600 barrier by a mile for the first time was very satisfying. It’s reassuring to see that DGB continues to grow and that more and more people come to the site to read fresh, daily, independent content from myself, and of course the biggest industry issues happening right now too.

I must crack on now with breaking that 700 barrier!

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