As you might have seen, there is now a little tab on the right hand side of your screen which says “Feedback”. And feedback is exactly what I’m looking for!
Feedback for improvement
I am always looking for ways to improve DGB. I am always tweaking and changing things here and there, some of which you can see, some of which is in the background in the mechanics of the site. All though are designed to make your reading experience better, and of course to keep you coming back to read some more!
But it’s always useful to have an outsiders perspective on things. I don’t always see the things you guys might see. So, to help you help me make this site even better, I have introduced a really simple feedback form for you to use. See that little grey tab on the right hand side of your screen? Click that, and this is what pops up:

That little white box is your place to tell me whatever it is you wish to tell me. As you can see from the options available, if you have a problem, praise, a question or you have an idea you think would be good for DGB, this is the way to send it.
Specifically though, it’s the ideas bit that I’m really interested in. I have a post list as long as my arm when it comes to future posts. And that’s fine, there will be a at least one daily post going live on DGB every day. But sometimes what I think are good ideas turn out to be bum ones. That’s where you guys come in. Using the feedback form, I’d love to read about the ideas you think I should implement on this site. It could be new content ideas, new pages I should have on the site, things I’m missing that I really should be having etc. Any ideas for the site you might have, send them in!
The more feedback I have from you guys the better I can make the site for everyone. I hope I get to hear from as many of you as possible!