As you may have seen yesterday I published one of my new ideas for this year: DGB Jobs.
This is going to be an initially free-to-use service where companies can upload vacancies at their business for job seekers in UK fenestration to be able to view and see if it peaks their interest.
The original plan was to publish a post to announce the new service, and to then make the service live on Monday night. There was some more testing to do before I put the service live, however, all has not run smoothly, as you may have noticed.
Just to give a bit of insight as to what the problems are, there appears to be a clash between the plugin that I am using to facilitate DGB Jobs and a security plugin. I have installed a plugin on DGB to fight back against brute force attacks. These are huge attacks which use trial and error methods to break into a website by trying to guess things like passwords. The plugin I have installed is designed to fight back against these. And as any website gains more traffic, the more likely these attacks are. So it’s a must.
However, the problem comes with the user account creation function within DGB Jobs. Businesses looking to upload job vacancies create an account to manage their submissions. It appears though that my security plugin sees this activity as suspicious and therefore shuts the site, and myself, away. It locks me out. As my site is run by a hosting company, they are the ones that are able to let me back in at their end. Hence periods of time where you probably see this holding page:
I am meeting my IT providers to discuss this, and a number of other issues which I hope when resolved should make DGB faster, more efficient and will help improve things like load times and user experience.
So, as you can see, I have a rather major kink to iron out before I roll DGB Jobs out. I don’t want to launch it but risk causing major damage to the whole website. So I will be working hard to make sure that the system works safely. It means it will take a bit of time to put right before it goes live. But it will go live.
The reaction, publicly and privately tells me that DGB Jobs will work. I just need to make sure the system functions without causing fault to the website as a whole. Patience required I think!
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