This is a sponsored article by Universal Arches

Shaped frame and arching specialist, Universal Arches, is putting its females to the fore when it comes to customer service, sales support and FIT Show planning.

Over the last few years there have been an increasing number of women involved in major roles within the glazing and fenestration industries and now Universal Arches are involving Kayleigh Pritchard and Caitlin Whalley in more wide-ranging responsibilities. Both of them came straight from college with Kayleigh now in her ninth year and Caitlin in her third with the specialist frame manufacturer.

There’s been an underlying shift in dynamics in the labour market as a whole, with around 67% of women, aged 16-64 now in work, an increase from 53% in 1971, according to the Office for National Statistics. Seasonally adjusted statistics also showed that that around 13.4million women were in work vs 15.3 million men, though the proportion of those in part time work between genders varies significantly. The fact is we should be experiencing more women taking on forward facing roles in our industry.

Leon Day, managing director of Universal Arches commented: ‘Both Kayleigh and Caitlin now have more proactive roles in the business and their experience and skill-sets fully justify this. I would expect that more women will come to the fore in this industry given the statistics and opportunities.

He continued: ‘We are starting to see more women such as Clair O’Hara at the Epwin Group now also taking major roles in what has been a male dominated environment for so many years and it is a welcome change in dynamics for modern society, as it is at Universal Arches.’

For further information on Universal Arches visit, call the sales office on 01744 612844 or follow them on Twitter @universalarches.

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