As we come to the end of what has been an immensely busy year across all fronts, its that time where we come to reflect on the 12 months that have passed. This isn’t going to be my big end of year review post. That may comein the form of two or three shorter articles rather than one big one.

Here I want to see what you guys made of 2019 via the poll below. I would also like to know what you think our prospects are for 2020. As I’m writing this now, the outcome of the General Election still doesn’t seem set as the latest YouGov poll only gives Boris Johnson a predicted majority of 28 seats, down from the last big poll which had him at 68 seats. The result of this will impact much of 2020, whatever the outcome of the vote is.

Four questions

Below I have posed four questions which I hope can give some shape to the opinion of the industry on what has been a year of true chaos. Dominated by one issue, one which should have been resolved long ago, but has dragged on for a variety of reasons. Its has continued to impact business, with the end result being delayed investment until the UK demonstrates what path it is actually on.

In the background other issues have also been at play. There have been continued disgruntled conversations about product quality and customer service, as well as the ever-worsening skills crisis that continues to hold companies back from growing further. We have seen prices rise, and I foresee further increases coming in early 2020 as the industry battles to remain profitable.

As I mentioned, I am going to do more in-depth review posts of 2019 which will cover in more detail some of the biggest issues and stories of the year, including no doubt the fallout of the 2019 General Election results.

So for now, I kindly ask that before you go ahead with the rest of your day, you take a moment to leave a vote in each of the polls, and encourage those in your office to do the same. The more people that take part the more accurate the results will be.

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Review of 2019

As we wind up business for the current year, I’ll be publishing articles reviewing the year just gone. I’ll be taking a look at the top 10 most read article on DGB and looking at some of the biggest stories of the year. I’ll be putting together a list of the products that I thought made the biggest splash this year, as well as a more general overview of the year, including some of the high and low points for UK fenestration.

On a small side note, I’ve been under the weather for the past few days, which will explain why some of my own content has been a bit think on the ground of late. I’m feeling better now so normal service will resume all the way up until the end of the year!

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