At the end of last year I ran a poll in an article asking how you thought 2020 was going to be for UK fenestration. There were a number of polls alongside it, but I wanted to get a more focused response so I’m publishing it again here.
Positive sounds
Despite the rough start to the year, many remain positive about the prospects for 2020. The General Election result has provided clarity, we have returned to a state of normality where Government has a working majority to get business done. Business can now plan for 2020 and for scenarios where we either leave the transition period with or without a deal. In short, we know that path ahead and the two possibilities for the end of the year. After the last three and a half years, that is a remarkable amount of clarity.
So, given this new backdrop, many who I speak to are much more positive about 2020. Personally I am too, but I want to know your thoughts. Please take a moment to take part in the poll below:
Challenges ahead
Although there is now political clarity, the problems the industry faces have not been solved. In a post to come in the next few days I will explore in more detail some of the biggest issues we have to face as a sector this year. But in short, the industry faces a climate change challenge the same as any other person or industry on the planet. We have a skills crisis which continues to get worse, not better. Prices are going up rapidly across the board and we need to find a balance to be able to remain profitable and pass some of that cost down to the consumer. Product quality and customer service are problems that are not going away this year. Insolvency and administration is going to be a theme this year. These are to name just a few.
The biggest one for me is climate change and the sustainability of our industry. As with others, we have to prove to the general public and ourselves that we are capable of rapid and meaningful change when it comes to our contribution to the planet. I have an article coming up on how companies can become more friendly to the environment when doing business. We are really getting into recycling and the benefits it brings not only to the environment but to fenestration as well. There is though a lot more that can be done beyond recycling and I will explore that in more detail.
So please take a moment to place your vote in the poll above, each one is appreciated and will help to build a picture as to what the industry thinks about the coming year.
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