Its been a while since I carried out a DGB Readership Survey. The site has grown a lot in the last few years and has managed to connect with much more of the industry, both here in the UK and in other nations, as well as many more areas of the supply chain in UK fenestration.

My aim is to find out who you lovely people are and where in the industry you are based. I use Google Analytics to analyse much about my traffic to DGB, but the below survey is the only way I can find out in detail the split of readers across the supply chain

The more of you that take part the more accurate the results. Your input helps me to know where DGB readers are and for advertisers to know what audience they’re reaching. All votes are anonymous and no data stored is passed on to any other parties.

This survey will run until the end of the year.

Please take a moment to fill out the below form before you move on with your day:

[yop_poll id=”3″]

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