Dear Editor,
For those that know me well I am a forthright person and one that’s passionate about the industry. But it is an industry sector that has received its fair share of criticism over the years and there remains areas today where a greater degree of accuracy, transparency and honesty should prevail.
The energy efficiency and respective U-values of windows and doors is under scrutiny and will be more so in the years to come as we look to combat climate change. So, my request is that we need to be honest in the presentation of product performance, as I’m seeing occurrences of product performance claims that are misleading at best, or worse still plainly false.
Window and door systems regardless of material need to be accurately presented to everyone and preferably stated with the type of glazing whenever possible. To mislead consumers or indeed the trade is wholly wrong when the vast majority of us are presenting consistent and accurate information as we do with WarmCore.
So please on behalf of the vast majority of us, be accurate, honest and truthful before we tarnish the reputation of the industry again and loose some of the important goodwill that has been built up in recent years.
Yours sincerely
Mark Frain
National Business Development Manager
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Couldn’t agree more Mark.
Currently we are being put in a situation where as far as trickle vents in windows are concerned, as you probably know, testing is not allowed for a window with a trickle vent.
Trickle vents will, of course, compromise the u values.
Yet, we are providing certification which shows the window without the trickle vent.
This is dishonest.
When consumers are told about this they are in a state of disbelief.
We are waiting for the new political regime to be established to pursue this matter again.