Nu-Openings was commissioned to design and install a bespoke window system for Green Church Developments’ new-build care home in Doncaster. The project commenced in September with a strict completion deadline set for the end of January.

During the planning phase, Eurocell and Nu-Openings collaborated closely on the development of the window systems, with Eurocell overseeing the design and Nova Group, a long-standing fabricator partner of Eurocell, managing the supply of the windows and doors and Nu-Openings carrying out the installation.

The brief provided to Nu-Openings emphasised the need for aesthetically pleasing windows, moving away from the traditional and often uninspiring designs typical of care homes.

Additionally, the windows had to accommodate thicker glass to mitigate the harshness of sunlight. One of the project’s significant challenges was the constrained four-month timeframe for completion.

Social facilities such as retirement homes, nursing homes, and hospitals must be designed to ensure the well-being of vulnerable individuals, which includes maintaining appropriate temperature control.

Therefore, it was essential for the care home windows to meet a range of health and safety requirements, including the installation of window restrictors and tamper-proof glass.


Nu-Openings and Eurocell collaborated closely during the initial planning stages to develop a bespoke window system that met the project’s specific requirements.

They selected the Logik 70mm Window System in the Chamfered design with an Ash Black finish. This design choice provided a sleek and modern look that contrasted effectively against the building’s cladding, fulfilling the aesthetic criteria outlined in the brief.

A key reason for choosing the Logik Window System from Eurocell was its capacity to hold thicker glass, necessary for reducing the harshness of sunlight penetrating the care home. This combination of aesthetic appeal, functional performance, and sustainability made the Logik Window System an ideal solution for the project.


Despite the tight time frame, Nu-Openings successfully completed the project through efficient collaboration. The chosen Ash Black colour contrasted perfectly against the cladding, giving the care home an aesthetically pleasing and vibrant appearance.

Steve Carvell of Nu-Openings stated: “The collaboration between us and Eurocell was fundamental to making the project run smoothly. Because of its success, the outcome, especially the colours, looked beautiful, leaving the client very happy.”

The windows, with a U-value of 1.2, ensure minimal heat transfer. This, combined with improved heat radiation, ventilation, and thermal properties, contributes to the building using less energy for temperature regulation. As a result, the care home maintains a standard temperature between 18-20 degrees Celsius.

Kelly Hibbert, Head of Commercial Sales at Eurocell, commented: “This project exemplified excellent collaboration between Nu-Openings and Eurocell. We are thrilled to have contributed to the design and delivery of a beautiful new care home.

The project ran smoothly despite the tight time frame, demonstrating Eurocell’s commitment to high standards in product solutions, aesthetics and sustainability. We take these specifics very seriously to ensure all our clients can enhance their green credentials while creating a beautiful space.”

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