I have just spent a fantastic early Valentines weekend with my girlfriend down in London! Its has been a few years since I was there last to stay over, and so much has changed in and around the centre, for the better. But after seeing how much money is being spent in London, it does make me wonder; is the rest of the country going to waste?

London is the financial capital of Britain and the rest of the world. Just look at the districts were the Gherkin and Canary Wharf towers are – just about dripping with money. Then there is the £2bn redevelopment of Southwark which includes over half a dozen brand spanking new glass covered financial and business buildings which Wall street would be jealous of, with The Shard the crown jewel of the whole project. The City has worked hard to get to the top financial spot in the world, but after coming back up to the North of the country, I couldn’t help feel that the rest of England has been left out of the finance party. Any financial centres up beyond the Midlands are on such a small scale. Leeds and Manchester probably being the biggest. It’s unnerving that the whole of the UK depends on London’s financial clout to bring in so much business.



It’s mainly the financial aspect of London that emphasizes the massive focus on the capital and nowhere else. I know that the Government has announced new regeneration centres in 14 sites all over the country. But I feel that these won’t make as bigger impact due to tough economical conditions – especially here in the North of the country. Let me make one thing clear. There is absolutely no recession in London whatsoever! Nothing! According to the London Underground adverts, £62bn was spent in the capital last year, making it the most spent in city in the world!

To help the spread of wealth and jobs in the country, an idea could to to pump investment money and focus more international developers towards more Northern cities, to help breed new jobs and create better financial health around the North of England. Leeds or Manchester already have the space and infrastructure to do it. Both have international airports, with Leeds/Bradford Airport getting development money and Manchester already being a very large established international airport, with room to expand. The North has all the same tools to make it a success as the South and London has done, so why not explore those possibilities?

I’m not on a London bashing mission here. I think the job London has done to make Britain such  a great place to invest financially is brilliant! But London is there now, it’s established and comfortably holds first place. All I’m saying is that it’s time to look further North and tap into the potential there too now.