Yesterday I wrote about three things window and door installers could do with from their fabricators at this moment in time. They were three things which I thought were key during these busy times of the year. Well, as these things are a two way relationship, I think it’s only fair we take a look at it from the perspective of the fabricator. Here are three things which fabricators want from their installers right now.

Installation images

One of the points I made yesterday was how installers need high quality marketing support from their fabricators to make their job of selling their products easier. Well, fabricators can only do that if they actually get pictures of their fitted products.

I think obtaining high quality installation photographs is one of the hardest things for a fabricator sometimes. Getting out on site is rarely easy to do. The day to day running of a fabrication business means things like time to go out and take pictures hardly ever arises.

But for installers who are on site the most out of any of the chain, then the opportunity to take pictures is much better. Installers need to support their fabricators and feed back some images once in a while so they can use it in future marketing materials.

As long as the installers are credited for the work and image, I don’t see it being a problem. Come on guys, grab your cameras and get out there!


Might sound a bit of an obvious one this one, but if installers do not talk to their fabricators and suppliers then things start to break down.

We’re all very busy. Heads are down trying to get the work of the day done and a few quid made at the end of it. But time should also be made to talk to fabricators to give them feedback. Even if it’s just a quick message on Twitter or a very short email. It might even be to say that today’s delivery went well.

Communication is key in any relationship, but also for for the installer-fabricator relationship. Problems need to be communicated back so fabricators can act on them. If no one talks, no one learns, and that is no good for anyone.

Prompt payment

For any business, cash flow is key. It’s especially so for fabricators. The bigger ones will have hundreds of installer customers. At any one time they could have all of their installers owing them money. It is vital that payment is made within the terms of the agreement.

You do hear of horror stories where fabricators go bust, not because of their ineptitude, but due to the simple fact that their customers have owed them money. Sometimes those customers go bust, owing tens of thousands of pounds, having a terrible knock on effect for the fabricator.

Of course there are occasions where mistakes with products and deliveries are made, and perhaps allowances for such things should be made when it comes to paying a bill. But for the most part, installers should always ensure to pay their dues right on time. Good cash flow is key to any business.

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