This is a sponsored article by Glazpart
How many times do you see the need for replacement of fitted trickle vents? But where to start, what vent is fitted and how big is the rout to be covered?
There is a vast quantity of fitted, damaged and mismatched colour vents that don’t work in the UK. This leads to poor air quality and typically the energy and ventilation system that was designed for the property, today under document F of the building regulations cannot work (systems 1 to 3) plus they look terrible.
Also, how many landlords need a solution for tenants’ homes under the new Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 to address issues of properties with a lack of ventilation, damp or mould growth.
With over common 18 rout sizes in the market the fitted vents could be any of over 48 vent designs one the windows in the UK over the last 20 years. So, your customers want new vents, what do you do? Where can the homeowner get a replacement? This is where the problems start. What size is it, will it fit over the routs, how do I fit it, can I do the DIY can I get the vents to match the window colour? Do we get a professional installer to sort it for me?
So, where to start for the trade, installers, trade counters, distributors and stockists they have the same problems. How can they stock every vent on the off chance of a walk-in for that vent on the shelf? How can you carry these on your van?
That’s where Glazpart comes in with the Link vent, packaged and branded under the Glazpart market leading Packers for Professionals range. With the ONLY universal repair and replacement trickle vent that replaces those broken or damaged vents fitted to your customers windows. Launched at the FIT show last year this version of the Link Vent from Glazpart fits all routs between 10mm and 13mm height and under 430mm width.
So, you can carry one product, that fits most installed window routs and could replace the majority of the damaged, trickle vents installed in frames. They can be fitted in minutes and how many thousands could be sold a year! It’s a one size fits all solution to get the energy and ventilation balance back into a home and getting it working properly.
On the plus side, homeowners are also always looking for those quality final touches to increase kerb appeal of their homes and windows which are a highly visible part of the building. Over time though inevitably trickle vents get damaged. The kids hang off them and accidents just happen! The Link vent repair vent from Glazpart now offers a solution and is available from all professional trade counters frim the Packers for Professionals range.
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