First of all, you will have to excuse my spelling as I am typing this from my phone!
As you will have noticed I have been plugging my campaign for windows and doors to have a VAT rating of 5% so that they are brought in line with the resy of the Green Deal home improvement measures. I have managed to garner quite a few names so far, of which I am very gratful. But as of yet I am uet to get some of the biggest names on there.
I know the GGF have been campaigning well for our industry, so I am asking them to endorse my campaign with their signatures to help keep the ball rolling. The more that sign this page and the more names we can gather, the more we can show the Government that the industry is united in this cause.
So I’m inviting Mark Warren and his friends at the GGF to add their names to my Low VAT For Windows page to help give this cause extra weight.
PS: I shall add images to this post and the front page as soon as I can get a proper internet connection!
We will need 100,000 names to petition the Gov on their site…… But the GGF and other Trade Bodies are always asking the Gov to bring Windows into line with the VAT rate other energy saving products. The Treasury is very reluctant to allow this. We keep on trying.
Thanks for your comment Mark.
Would it be too cheeky of me to ask to go to one of the GGF meetings with you re low VAT on windows, just to get a feel for why the Govt doesn’t want to lower the VAT rate?
Hi DGB, It is good that you are doing this campaign and the GGF is always keen to support campaigns that benefit GGF Members and the industry in general – that’s why we have been part of the Cut the Vat Campaign since the outset and have been fighting to Cut the Vat on home improvement, refurbishment work, energy effifcent windows and more recently glazing in listed buildings. With regards to your request to attend a GGF meeting this could be arranged, but we would need to know who you are and who you represent? If you want to drop… Read more »