
I’ve just read an e-mail sent by FENSA setting out information about the coming changes to Part L. On the last page of that e-mail it goes on to say: “It is generally anticipated the revisions will require at least a BFRC ‘C’ energy rated window and probably an equally demanding alternative method to demonstrate compliance”.

So there we go. We can just about guarantee that we are either going to have to register and pay for certification, or go back to showing U-values to show that everything is above board and legal. But, because the A-G energy rated scale is recognisable to the general public, the BFRC can almost guarantee that nearly everyone will sign up to their method of compliance and make an absolute (and devious) fortune.

But it goes on. FENSA are nicely putting on a whole host of seminars to aid businesses into this transition, ready for 1st October. But you have to pay £25 + VAT per delegate. What a rip off! So they want us to pay hundreds of pounds for a certificate that hasn’t even been proven to be accurate yet, then pay through the nose to be told roughly what we already know already! Frankly I think some piss taking is going on round about now. With the money the BFRC are going to make, it would have been nice to have a few free seminars, or at least some shiny new booklets explaining everything to us.