Looking back at my blog, it has become obvious that there aren’t many pictures on here. So I got to thinking, what picture/graphic can I put on here which could be slightly relevant? So here we go:
This graph is timed from 1st August, roughly when I was first discovered by RCG, up to today. What is visible is that my visitor numbers have risen steadily as a trend. And also that more people visit this site at the beginning of the week rather than at the end.
Hopefully this trend will continue to rise. Maybe I’ll even get to the dizzy heights RCG did!
>What do you mean 'did'? I'm still here, just taking it easy and only writing when I think I've something interesting to say. Good news on the visitor numbers. Would have been nice to see the trend in months which shows the trend better. You're always going to struggle to get big numbers while you use this blogspot format. I'd get someone to help you give the site a makeover, and use WordPress in the long term. Also, look at getting an AWeber account set up so people can subsribe to your blog. Every time I post around 400 people… Read more »
>I'm looking into WordPress now, I'm just trying to figure out how to transport all of this blog onto a WordPress one without losing it all.
I've tried to get subscriptions going buy adding a button up top, but if your recommending AWeber then I'll give it a go.
The next post for tomorrow will be the monthly view then!
Opinions are always welcome!
>I'm sure it's possible to transfer across, although I'm no expert and rely on others for stuff like this.
Just checked up and doubleglazingblogger.co.uk is still available. £6 for two years at lcn.com.
AWeber is reasonably cheap, and very worthwhile.
>I'm looking into it right now! Swapping content is something I'm going to have to get one of my cousins to look into!