DGB E.C.O2024-11-26T16:19:48+00:00

About DGB E.C.O

Our industry, as with all other industries, sectors and societies all over the world are having to come to terms with climate change. Our production, consumption and transportation of all goods and services are impacting the health of the planet and all that live on it. Fenestration has its part to play along with all others. But where there is challenge, there is opportunity. With DGB E.C.O I want to shine a light on the efforts being made across the sector to be more sustainable and planet-friendly. I also want to demonstrate that in recycling and post-consumer waste, there is a whole new industry being born out of our already long established one.

E.C.O  N E W S

C L O S E D  L O O P  M A N U F A C T U R I N G

Learn more about closed loop manufacturing, how it can benefit society and find out more about PVCu recycling

Credit: Deceuninck

D I D  Y O U  K N O W ?

As the industry begins to understand it’s environmental responsibilities, Eurocell went to the public to ask if they knew if PVCu could be recycled.

Credit: Eurocell

T H E  P R O C E S S

Find out more about how PVCu is actually recycled and the processes involved to help create new profile.

Credit: Eurocell

O U T  O F  T H E  O C E A N S

This is how the closed-loop recycling process keeps plastic and other post-consumer waste out of the oceans.

Credit: Eurocell

Content kindly provided by:

T H E  T R U T H  A B O U T  P V C U


Poly Vinyl Chloride-Unplasticized

The facts...

PVCu is NOT plastic! Thats what the u (unplasticized) in PVCu stands for. 43% of of the material is Ethylene, which is a bi-product of oil, and represents 0.3% of annual oil consumption. 57% of chloride in Polyvinyl chloride comes indirectly from salt.

Credit: Eurocell

Lifespan of centuries

Material that lasts

350 years

PVCu can be recycled up to ten times during the lifespan of the material. Assuming an average generational lifespan of 35 years for PVCu windows and doors, it means the same PVCu can be in active circulation for 350 years, keeping it out of landfill sites for centuries!


Recycling makes it stronger

Stronger each time

Dispelling the myth that recycled PVCu isn’t as good as virgin, it has been confirmed in scientific studies that PVCu polymers actually become stronger each time they are recycled. You can find out more about this below.


Myths dispelled

PVCu is safe

PVCu for an unreasonably long amount of time was portrayed in some parts as being dangerous, and as being a material that could contribute to the development of house fires. This has rightly been quashed, and PVCu remains one of the safest, strongest building materials for homes to date.

Sustainability is now the industry’s biggest issue to tackle. More so now than even the skills crisis. The pace of societal change is immense. Every industry on earth is having to very quickly adapt to demonstrate to the general public that it can be more sustainable and friendlier to planet Earth. Our industry is no exception. Across the entire fenestration sector we have to undergo rapid, root and branch evolution if we are to show to the outside world we can be better, and that we can help contribute to the wider global effort of trying to save our planet. Failure to do so, and the consequences will only be catastrophic.


F E A T U R E D  A R T I C L E

E.C.O  P R O D U C T S

E.C.O  R E S E A R C H

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