
Eurocell Provides Year End Trading Update

Categories: BBC, business, debt, double glazing industry, energy companies, facebook, finance, Government, jobs, privacy, strikes, wages|

Eurocell plc, a leading UK manufacturer, distributor, and recycler of UPVC building products, released its Year-End Trading Update on January 28, 2025. The company [...]

Sheerline Issues Statement On Continuation Of Supply

Categories: aluminium, BBC, debt, double glazing industry, energy companies, facebook, finance, Government, jobs, privacy, strikes, wages|

One of the big outstanding questions following Ultraframe's acquisition of Prefix Systems last week is what would happen to the customers who had purchased [...]

Timber Window Company Fined £4000 By HSE

Categories: BBC, debt, double glazing industry, energy companies, facebook, finance, Government, jobs, privacy, strikes, Timber, wages|

Press release via HSE An Essex-based company that makes windows and doors has been hit with a £4,000 fine after repeatedly failing to protect [...]

F E A T U R E D  A R T I C L E S

Pilkington UK Plans To Scale Low Carbon Glass Production Under Pioneering Hydrogen Plans

double glazing industry, Glass|

Pilkington United Kingdom Limited, part of the NSG Group, intends to use green hydrogen at its site and scale its production of low-carbon glass [...]

S P O N S O R  N E W S

D G B  P A R T N E R S


Forterro Continues Expansion Into The Fenestration Industry With BM Group Acquisition

business, double glazing industry, technology|

The deal builds on the acquisition of Orgadata AG in 2024 to further grow the new Forterro Windows and Doors line of business. London, [...]

#FreshAirFeeling – New Campaign For Better Ventilation In UK Homes

Building Regulations, Certass, trickle vents|

Sponsored news from Certass: Certass Trade Association has launched a new ventilation awareness campaign via its dedicated consumer site certifiedcompetent.co.uk. #FreshAirFeeling is a campaign [...]


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